8 Ways to Use Technology to Achieve Your Business Goals


If you own a business, you’re probably already using a variety of technology tools to run and grow it. However, there are specific ways to utilize cutting-edge technology to boost productivity and customer service.

The following are 8 ways you can make better use of technology to achieve your business goals:

1.  Incorporate Automation

There are numerous tools available that can automate a variety of business-critical tasks. Paying bills, responding to emails, and scheduling employees for shifts are just a few examples. There are even use automated programs that can help you manage your social media platforms more effectively.

Automation system investments can pay for themselves in a relatively short period of time. Automation reduces human error and waste while also increasing productivity. Even implementing automation for a few simple tasks can save your company a significant amount of time and resources in the long run.

2.  Use Productivity Apps

Calendar apps are a great example of how to use your time efficiently to achieve business goals. Choosing and implementing a good calendar app is critical for almost any business. It can take a long time just to schedule all of your meetings and phone calls. A scheduling tool can help you save time and stay organized.

Fast Company recommends a number of apps to help you organize your time and work more efficiently. Grammarly (for improving your writing) to camera and scheduling apps are all available to help you move your business forward.

3.  Evaluate Your Networks

It is necessary to evaluate your networks for security and efficiency on a regular basis. Security issues and system failures can result in lost data, decreased productivity, and, in extreme cases, the loss of your business.

60% of small companies go out of business within six months of a cyber-attack.

This process is frequently lengthy while requiring adequate preparation. These evaluations must be performed on a regular basis in order to detect and eliminate problems as early as possible. Many businesses may require the services of an off-site IT team to effectively evaluate and maintain their networks.

Security technology can assist in keeping your network secure, preventing the need to deal with cyber threats in the first place.

4.  Invest in the Best Technology

Subpar home computers or outdated phone systems can make it difficult for your employees to perform at the levels you require. You should think about investing in a cloud-based VoIP phone system. You may also want to consider investing in artificial intelligence and blockchain technologies, depending on the nature of your business.

It’s important to remember that even the best technology won’t help you if your employees don’t use it correctly. When you invest in new technology, it is critical that your employees receive the appropriate training so that they can make the most of your new investments.

5.  Effectively Manage Passwords

Weak or stolen passwords can pose a significant security risk to your company. To begin creating stronger passwords, avoid using personal information such as birthdays or children’s names. Because password-cracking software exists, it’s also a good idea to come up with words that aren’t in a dictionary.

Finally, avoid using the same password on multiple networks or websites. We understand how hard it is.

That is why you should use password manager technologies to keep your passwords secure. When key employees leave, for example, certain passwords should be changed. Password sharing should also follow strict communication guidelines. They should never be printed, emailed, or distributed to unauthorized people.

For the fourth consecutive year, ‘1234’ and ‘password’ topped the list of leaked passwords.

6.  Take Advantage of CRM

CRM is a system that can help you organize and manage everything from customer contact information to specific marketing strategies. According to Forbes, CRM software can specialize in a variety of areas. Marketing, sales, service operations, and customer data analysis are just a few examples.

There is also collaborative CRM such as Zoho CRM, which allows businesses to share data.

When you have a variety of data in a CRM system that is all linked together, you have the tools to target and bring in new customers. You can also target existing customers more precisely. A CRM platform organizes data such as what services and products your customers buy and how they use them.

7.  Utilize Mobile Technology

It is critical for your employees to be able to perform a variety of tasks both on and off the job. When employees are connected from different locations, using mobile technology can increase productivity. Using mobile technology can also help you reach out to your customers more effectively.

Another way to make the most of mobile technology is to ensure that your company has its own app that customers can use. Before you begin, you must have a clear idea of what you want your app to do. You should concentrate on customer engagement and the types of promotions, sales, or services your company provides.

72% of organizations were already permitting BYOD or planning to do so.

8.    Outsource Your IT

Outsourcing IT is a smart move for most businesses because technology is becoming increasingly complex. Outsourcing immediately frees up time and resources, allowing you to focus on achieving your business objectives. In the long run, you will almost certainly save money. You have the option of investing more money in improving your products or services.

Turn to PyramidBITS for IT support. We have the experience and expertise you require to align your technology with your business goals. We know exactly what it takes to get you there, and we will only recommend technology that is compatible with your IT strategy and budget.

Do you want to continue the discussion? Contact us right away.

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